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Zero Oil Cooking

Even ‘Healthy’ Cooking Oils Are Sabotaging Your Heart Health

What You Have Been Told Is a Big-Fat Lie!

For decades we’ve been told that certain cooking oils are heart-friendly — be it olive oil, mustard oil, canola oil, or cold-pressed coconut oil. Health organizations and food companies marketed these oils as “essential for a balanced diet,” and convinced millions that we need oil to be in good health.

But what if we also told you that this is simply one of the biggest nutrition myths of our time?

Yes, you read that right. There’s no cooking oil, however premium, organic or cold-pressed, that is truly heart-healthy. According to research, all oils do clog arteries and lead to inflammation and heart disease. If you or any of your loved ones are facing high cholesterol, hypertension, or heart blockages, then getting oil out of your diet might be the miracle you have been looking for. This is the premise of Zero Oil Cooking, developed by Dr. Bimal Chhajer, founder, SAAOL Heartcare Delhi, which works on the premise of non-surgical heart treatment and reversal of heart blockages through lifestyle modifications and Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) therapy.

Let us unravel the science and uncover why even ‘healthy’ oils are harmful for your heart.

No Oil is Truly Heart-Healthy

Many people think that some oils are healthy because they have unsaturated fats, omega-3s or antioxidants in them. But the reality is:

  • All oils are 100% fat.
  • Oil is empty calories.
  • All ‘healthy’ oils harm arteries.

Here’s the evidence-based reality:

  • Contributes to Heart Blockages in Your Heart 

Atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque (fatty deposits) in the arteries, is the leading cause of heart attacks, strokes, and angina.

Studies indicate that oil is contributing to plaque formation directly by:

  • Increasing LDL (bad cholesterol)
  • Increasing arterial inflammation
  • Causing arteries to lose their flexibility, and therefore making it harder for blood to flow

A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of NMCD found that even something as healthy as olive oil — often promoted as being “heart-healthy” — negatively impacts endothelial function, a marker of cardiovascular health.

This is also the reason why Dr. Bimal Chhajer and SAAOL Heartcare Delhi advocate in favor of Zero Oil Cooking for those patients who want to reverse the blockages in heart naturally without undergoing any surgery.

  • Oils Are High in Inflammatory Omega-6 Fats 

The same omega-3 fatty acids may do wonders for you, but most cooking oils are high in omega-6 fats instead; omega-6 fats are one major contributor to chronic inflammation—an insidious killer that leads to many of the most common deadly diseases, like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.

Oils such as sunflower and soybean are high in omega-6, which creates the conditions for increased clotting in the blood and damage to arteries. Even mustard oil or rice bran oil, frequently hyped in India as heart-friendly fats, come with compounds that put the cardiovascular system under stress.

  • Oils Make You Insulin Resistant, Making You Diabetic And Heart Patient

Oil consumption

  • Oil consumption, diabetes, and heart disease are directly linked.
  • Oils decrease insulin sensitivity, which makes it more difficult for cells to take in glucose.
  • Too many fats (from oils) clog insulin receptors and increase blood sugar.
  • This culminates in weight gain, metabolic ailments, and finally, cardiovascular problems.

The Breakthrough Summit: Cooking Without Oil — and the Non-Surgical way to a Healthy Heart

If oil is bad, then what’s the alternative?

A better answer is for one to settle for Zero Oil Cooking, a proven dietary package along with the non-surgical heart treatment EECP therapy that has helped 6 lakh+ patients to reverse their heart blockages under the guidance of Dr. Bimal Chhajer, at SAAOL Heartcare Delhi for more than 30 years.

Patients who were advised that they would need bypass surgery or angioplasty have actually reversed their heart disease with Zero Oil Cooking.

What Is a Zero Oil Cooking System?

1️. Water-Based Cooking – Instead of frying, this uses water, vegetable broth or lemon juice to vapour cook, giving the same taste but without the harmful fat.

2️. Steaming & Boiling — Keep nutrients and get rid of the excess fat.

3️. Dry Roasting — Intensifies flavors simply without the use of oil.

4️. Smart Seasoning — Herbs, spices and fresh ingredients add flavor better than oil ever could.

At SAAOL Heartcare Delhi patients experience;

✔ Lower cholesterol levels

✔ Improved heart function

✔ Improvement in angina and breathlessness

✔ Sustainable weight loss

Forget Everything You’ve Heard About Oil

Many people cling to oil, despite the pending evidence, because of old myths. Let’s set them straight for good.

Myth #1: “I need oil to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.”

Reality: Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) can be absorbed from a well-balanced, whole-food diet. This process does not require extracted oil.

Myth #2: “Oil makes food taste good.”

Reality: Oil is not what gives flavor to food. Roasting, steaming, and blending spices are examples of cooking techniques that lead to an even richer flavor.

Myth #3: “Olive oil is heart-healthy.”

Reality: Olive oil is better than butter, but it harms arteries nonetheless. The real solution? Eliminating oil altogether.

Real-Life Case — A 58-Year-Old Man Who Dodged Bypass Surgery

Let me introduce Mr. Virendra Kumar, a 62-year-old man with an arterial blockage who was suggested bypass surgery.

Rather than go for a surgery, he opted for a SAAOL’s non-invasive heart treatment, putting him on:

✔ A 100% Zero Oil Diet

✔ Stress Management Therapy

✔ EECP therapy 

Within 6 months:

  • His blood pressure got normal and regularized
  • His blockage in the arteries diminished greatly
  • He never had surgery and lived a full life

This is one of thousands of success stories showing heart disease can be reversed without surgery.

Should You Give Up Oil? Absolutely.

OILS: All oils are bad (even olive oil), expands endothelial walls and leads to heart blockages.

Oils mean diabetes, inflammation, and weight gain.

Heart Healthy Diet Is NO Oil Diet

Make the change to Zero Oil Cooking today and naturally reverse heart blockages!

Need expert guidance? To know more about non-surgical heart treatment by Dr. Bimal Chhajer, or the Zero Oil Cooking, book your consultation with SAAOL Heartcare.

Your heart doesn’t require oil — it needs a reset. Take control today!
