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EECP Therapy Benefits

How Can EECP Help in Preventing Future Heart Problems?

Once upon a time, there was no cure for heart disease, then again once upon a time bypass surgery, angioplasty, and techniques that literally cut through the heart were invented, no, no we are not in the mood for a history class! But you must have been reading, watching, and listening that, globally, heart disease is becoming a greater concern, and as contemporary lifestyles are linked to increased rates of cardiovascular problems, prevention is more important than ever. One non-invasive heart treatment that has gained popularity is enhanced external counterpulsation or EECP, and it may be a key component in averting more cardiac issues because evidently, it doesn’t cut through the heart. However, what makes EECP so successful and how can it protect your heart over time? This blog will go into great detail on the benefits of EECP therapy and offer suggestions on how to keep your heart healthy.


EECP: An Overview:

A non-invasive heart treatment called enhanced external counterpulsation, or EECP aims to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, lessen the strain on the heart, and improve blood flow to the heart. It is frequently employed to treat individuals with heart failure or persistent angina who might not be candidates for surgery or invasive procedures like bypass or stent placement.


The patient’s legs and buttocks are bound with cuffs that expand and contract in time with their heartbeat. This improves circulation by pushing blood into the coronary arteries during the heart cycle’s rest phase.


How Can EECP Stop Potential Heart Issues?

Let’s examine how EECP therapy enters the domain of long-term cardiac health prevention and moves beyond being merely a treatment.


  1. Encourages Development of Natural Bypasses

EECP therapy is highly effective in preventing future cardiac problems by promoting the establishment of collateral circulation, which is the formation of new blood vessels that circumvent clogged or constricted arteries. By enhancing oxygen flow to the heart muscle, this natural bypass lowers the risk of further heart attacks and other cardiovascular events. 

  1. Diminishes Chest Pain and Angina

Chronic angina is a warning indication indicating reduced blood flow to the heart. It can develop into more serious diseases like heart failure or a heart attack if left untreated. By increasing the heart’s blood flow and oxygen delivery, EECP treatment can dramatically lower angina attacks. In the long run, EECP reduces angina symptoms and fewer angina episodes lead to a healthier heart and less strain on the heart muscle.

  1. Enhances Heart Performance Without Surgery

EECP provides a non-surgical substitute for cardiac operations that are necessary because of age, health issues, or other factors. It stops additional harm and decline in cardiac function by improving the heart’s capacity to pump blood more effectively. Better circulation and less heart strain over time can help keep heart diseases at bay.

  1. Lower Blood Pressure and Enhance Vascular Well-Being

One of the main causes of heart disease is high blood pressure. During EECP therapy, the cuffs are periodically compressed to increase blood flow back to the heart and decrease arterial stiffness, both of which lower blood pressure. This can eventually result in a more calm and effective cardiovascular system, which lowers the risk of potential cardiac issues, such as heart attack or stroke.

  1. Decreases Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

According to recent studies, EECP therapy may help heart disease patients with their oxidative stress and inflammatory indicators. (NIH study) . The accumulation of plaque in the arteries, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular disorders are significantly influenced by chronic inflammation. EECP therapy helps prevent future heart damage in addition to treating existing symptoms by reducing these detrimental processes.

  1. Increases Physical Fitness and Tolerance for Exercise

By increasing exercise tolerance, EECP therapy also plays a significant role in preventing future cardiac issues. Following EECP, patients frequently report having more stamina and the capacity to perform physical activities that were previously challenging because of weariness or chest pain. 


Who Makes the Best EECP Candidate?

When someone with ischaemic heart disease, heart failure, or chronic angina has not improved with conventional therapy or is not a good candidate for invasive operations, EECP therapy is usually suggested. On the other hand, it might also help individuals who show early symptoms of heart disease to prevent problems down the road.


Should You Use EECP as a Preventive Measure?

If you’re unsure about whether EECP can aid in heart disease, identify issues before they worsen, think about asking your doctor these questions:


-Am I going to have cardiac issues in the future?

Understanding your risk factors such as your family history, cholesterol, and lifestyle choices will help you decide whether preventative care like EECP is required.


-Is EECP safe for me?

EECP is generally safe, but it’s important to consult with your doctor to make sure it’s right for you, especially if you have other health conditions.


-How many EECP sessions will I need to prevent heart problems?

Most patients need 35-40 one-hour sessions, but this can vary based on your individual health needs.


-Can I stop my heart medications during EECP therapy?

Always check with your doctor before stopping any medication. EECP is effective, but your doctor will decide how it fits with your treatment plan.


-How to Use Lifestyle Modifications to Support EECP Therapy

Although EECP therapy has a great deal of promise for preventing heart disease, it is crucial to combine the treatment with heart-healthy lifestyle modifications. The following actions are what you can do:


  • Heart-healthy diet: By emphasizing the consumption of entire grains, fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Cut back on sugar, processed meals, and harmful fats.
  • Engage in regular exercise, at least 30 minutes of moderate activity.
  • Control your stress: Prolonged stress puts undue strain on your heart and raises the chance of heart disease. Stress-relieving practices such as yoga, meditation, or even basic breathing techniques can significantly improve your life for better heart health.
  • Give up smoking: Smoking raises your risk of heart disease considerably and destroys your blood vessels.

Concluding Remarks

The short answer is that EECP therapy can be beneficial in averting more heart problems. It does not just reduce the symptoms of heart disease that are already present while addressing numerous underlying risk factors such as inflammation, high blood pressure, and poor circulation.

Because EECP is non-invasive, it can increase blood flow and promote the heart’s natural healing processes, making it a desirable alternative for those who are at risk of cardiovascular problems in the future. To determine whether EECP is appropriate for you and to incorporate it into a comprehensive heart care plan that also includes lifestyle modifications, it is crucial to consult your physician.

See a cardiologist about how EECP can treat your heart disease and heart blockage. Since prevention is always the best medicine, EECP may be the life-saving treatment you’ve been searching for.


Tags: Angina Relief, Cardiovascular Health, EECP Therapy Benefits, EECP Treatment, EECP Treatment Delhi, Healthy Heart Lifestyle, Heart Blockage, Heart Disease Prevention, Heart Health, Heart Wellness, Non-Invasive Heart Treatment, Preventing Heart Problems