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Rise of Heart Disease in India – How the SAAOL Approach can Help

Heart disease is no longer a distant worry for many families in India—it’s a growing reality. In recent decades, the number of people diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), particularly coronary artery disease, has skyrocketed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India accounts for one-fifth of global deaths from heart disease, with nearly 30% of all deaths in the country attributed to CVDs. (WHO). The numbers are staggering and have placed India at the forefront of the global heart disease epidemic.

As heart disease becomes more prevalent, the need for holistic, non-invasive solutions has grown. This is where the SAAOL (Science and Art of Living) approach, led by Dr. Bimal Chhajer, steps in. It offers a comprehensive, non-surgical method to combat heart disease through EECP treatment, lifestyle changes, and stress management.

In this blog, we will explore the rise of heart disease in India and how the SAAOL heart treatment can be a game-changer for those looking to avoid invasive procedures and improve their heart health naturally.


Understanding the Rise of Heart Disease in India

To truly grasp the urgency of this situation, let’s look at some of the contributing factors to the rise of heart disease in India.

  1. Lifestyle Changes and Sedentary Behaviour

With the rapid pace of urbanization and technological advancements, physical activity has taken a backseat in the daily lives of many Indians. More people are sitting at desks for long hours, and physical labor has been replaced with automation, leading to sedentary lifestyles. A lack of regular exercise is one of the key risk factors for heart disease.


  1. Unhealthy Diet

India’s food culture, which once emphasized fresh produce and whole grains, has shifted significantly. There is an increasing reliance on processed foods, fried snacks, and diets rich in oils and sugars. The Indian diet is now often high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, contributing to the growing number of people suffering from obesity, diabetes, and hypertension—all major risk factors for heart disease.


  1. Stress and Mental Health

India’s fast-paced modern life comes with significant stress, whether due to work pressure, financial concerns, or family responsibilities. Chronic stress leads to an increase in blood pressure and cortisol levels, leading to a lack of sleep, which further negatively impacts heart health.


  1. Lack of Sleep in Youngsters: A Major Contributor to Heart Disease

In today’s fast-paced digital age, sleep deprivation has become a significant issue, especially among youngsters. One study found that individuals who get less than 6 hours of sleep per night have a 60% higher risk of developing cardiovascular issues than those who sleep adequately. (NIH-NLB).  Addressing this sleep crisis early on can prevent long-term heart problems among youngsters. 


  1. Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

Tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption are on the rise in India. These habits are well-known contributors to atherosclerosis (the buildup of plaque in arteries), which restricts blood flow and leads to heart attacks.


  1. Lack of Awareness

Despite the rising rates of heart disease, there is still a considerable lack of awareness about its risk factors and prevention methods. Many individuals do not realize the dangers of uncontrolled hypertension, high cholesterol, or even mild chest pain until it is too late.


The SAAOL Approach: A Lifeline for Heart Health

With heart disease becoming a looming threat for so many, finding non-invasive, effective solutions has become critical. That’s where the SAAOL approach stands out. Unlike conventional treatments that often focus on surgery or medication, SAAOL offers a holistic approach centered around lifestyle changes, diet modification, and non-invasive treatments such as EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) therapy.

Here’s how the SAAOL approach can help prevent, manage, and even reverse heart disease.

  1. EECP Treatment: The Non-Surgical Alternative

One of the cornerstones of SAAOL heart treatment is EECP therapy. But what exactly is EECP, and how can it help people suffering from heart disease?


EECP is a non-invasive therapy designed to improve blood circulation to the heart. During the procedure, inflatable cuffs are placed around the legs, inflating and deflating in rhythm with the heartbeat. This action pushes blood back toward the heart, creating natural bypasses around blocked arteries.

The benefits of EECP treatment include:


  • Improved blood flow to the heart.
  • Relief from angina symptoms (chest pain caused by reduced blood flow).
  • A natural reduction in the need for heart surgeries like angioplasty or bypass.
  • Increased stamina and energy for daily activities.

For many patients, EECP treatment has proven to be a life-changing alternative to invasive heart surgeries. According to research published by the American Heart Association, over 75% of patients experience a reduction in angina symptoms, and some can avoid surgery altogether. (AHA).


  1. Zero-Oil Cooking: Revolutionising Heart-Healthy Diets

SAAOL’s emphasis on a zero-oil diet is another revolutionary component of its approach. Unlike typical heart-friendly diets that simply recommend “cutting down” on fats, the SAAOL heart care diet eliminates oil from cooking.


Why Zero-Oil?

It may seem extreme at first, but the science is simple. Oils, whether they are vegetable oils or ghee, contribute to cholesterol buildup in the arteries. By eliminating them, patients significantly reduce the risk of plaque buildup in their arteries, one of the main causes of heart disease.

The SAAOL diet focuses on cooking with alternatives like water, vegetables, grains, herbs, and spices to create healthy, flavorful meals without any oil. Spices, herbs, and vegetables have their natural oil so adding more doesn’t really make sense. Many patients who adopt this diet not only report improvements in heart health but also experience:

  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Improved digestion and overall well-being.
  • Easier weight management.


  1. Stress Management: The Key to Heart Health

As mentioned earlier, chronic stress is a significant contributor to heart disease. Stress can raise blood pressure, increase cholesterol, and worsen the overall function of the heart. The SAAOL approach emphasizes stress management as a core part of heart care.


Techniques for Managing Stress in the SAAOL Program:

  • Yoga and Meditation: Proven methods to reduce stress and enhance emotional well-being.
  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Techniques to calm the mind and body, which in turn helps lower blood pressure.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Practices: These techniques help patients stay present and reduce anxiety about the future, which is a common cause of stress.

Studies show that mindfulness-based stress reduction can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health over time, making stress management an essential part of preventing heart disease. (NIH NLB)


  1. Regular Monitoring and Personalized Care

One of the unique aspects of SAAOL heart treatment is the personalized care patients receive. Regular check-ups, stress tests, and cholesterol monitoring, one-on-one diet consultations are part of the program, ensuring that patients are on the right track and making progress in their heart health journey.

The SAAOL team works with patients to adjust their lifestyle, diet, and treatments as needed. This individualized approach ensures that each patient gets the care they need, based on their specific risk factors and health conditions.


  1. Nutritional Counseling and Diet Consultations

A key component of SAAOL’s heart treatment program is its nutritional counseling and personalized diet consultations. To combat and prevent heart disease, SAAOL emphasizes the importance of a tailored, heart-healthy diet. Unlike generalized diet plans, SAAOL’s nutrition consultations are individualized based on each patient’s health conditions, cholesterol levels, and personal preferences. This personalized guidance helps patients adopt sustainable lifestyle changes that improve their heart health over time.

Author’s Note:

Heart disease is a global epidemic, but in India, the rise has been particularly alarming. What struck me most about the SAAOL heart care approach was its simplicity and effectiveness. It goes beyond merely treating the symptoms of heart disease—it addresses the root causes and empowers individuals to take charge of their own health.

Conclusion: Reversing the Rise of Heart Disease with SAAOL

As heart disease continues to rise in India, more and more individuals are seeking alternatives to surgery and medication. The SAAOL approach offers a comprehensive solution that combines the best of modern medical science with holistic lifestyle changes. Through EECP treatment, a zero-oil diet, stress management, and personalized care, SAAOL is giving heart patients a chance to take back control of their health—without the need for surgery.

Heart disease doesn’t have to be a life sentence. With the right care and a commitment to lifestyle changes, you can prevent, manage, and even reverse heart disease. The future of heart health in India doesn’t have to be bleak, and the SAAOL approach is leading the way to a healthier tomorrow.


Tags: cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, EECP Treatment, healthy diet for heart, heart disease in India, Heart Disease Prevention, Heart Health, heart surgery alternatives, holistic heart treatment, lifestyle changes, non-invasive heart care, personalized heart care, reversing heart disease, SAAOL approach, stress management, Zero-Oil Cooking